Join us

Sundays at 10:00am

Statement of Faith

         We believe in Jesus the Christ, one with God the Father and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity.  We believe in the Bible, in all of its histories, miracles, teachings, and principles, as the inspired Word of God.  We believe in the immortal soul, destined either for Heaven or Hell, according the the free choice of each individual whether or not to accept salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  We believe that this salvation is God's gift, a work of His grace, and cannot be earned or warranted, only accepted.  We believe in the Lord's imminent return, at which time He will establish His everlasting Kingdom and His authority over all creation

Saturday Womens Bible Study

Join us on scheduled Saturday's for womens bible study. All women are welcome!!
For a schedule, watch our website for updates or call the church.

It's more than church - it's family!

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